Financing your new vehicle needn’t be a struggle. Whether it’s our low monthly payments , we really can tailor a package suitable for every budget.
Here at Ballyrobert, we offer both flexible and fixed-term Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) as well as Flexible Personal Contract Hire (PCH). These options allow you to choose your car, your deposit (which can be as low as zero), your mileage and the option to either retain, return or replace your vehicle at the end of the agreement (return or replace for PCH).
As well as finance options, we can also provide Vehicle Protection Plan (GAP Insurance). In some circumstances, traditional vehicle insurance falls short of what you need to replace your car to the same standard. Therefore, this cover provides full protection if your car is stolen or written off.
If you’re looking to protect your vehicle’s good looks, consider our industry-leading Vehicle Body and Upholstery Protection service – VX Protect. Using only approved products, our team can protect your vehicle for longer.
If you’d like to find out more about our payment options, you can make an enquiry by filling out our online form or using the Live Chat facility. Alternatively, our friendly team at our dealerships in Bangor and Mallusk are happy to discuss suitable finance options. We aim to help make your purchase with us as affordable and manageable as possible.